Embroidery and Decorated Apparel Classifieds >  
Listing of Item for Sale Non-Embroidery Line members
Please be sure to notify Webmaster@EmbroideryLine.net when your item sells. You may use PayPal to pay for your ad: hhmomsen@comcast.net is the payee.
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Price: $32.00
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: 112

If you are not a member of the Embroidery Line you are welcome to list for sale any items related to the decorated apparel industry for $12.00 per insertion (up to 12 words, $1.00 addtional for each additional 10 words, one month duration or until sold). It is your repsonsibility to let us know when the item sells so we can remove it. Email webmaster@EmbroideryLine.net to notifiy us to remove an item.

If you wish to join the Embroidery Line discussion forum, you will qualify for the membership discount after 3 months. After that you will be able to list at the member price of $8.00